American History X

so Sweeney's making me
write another one.

Good old Sweeney.
He never stops trying.

He's one of those
"proud to be nigger" people.

I hate those guys.
Wait a minute, Danny.
He's not proud.

No. He's a manipulative,
self-righteous Uncle Tom.

He's making you feel guilty
about writing on Adolf Hitler.

Some nigger, some spic writes
about Martin Luther King...

or fucking Cesar commie Chavez
gets a pat on the head.

You can see the hypocrisy
in that, can't you?

Come on, let's go.
No. Listen. Wait.
I want to see you, OK?
I do, but I gotta
take care of something tonight.

-You understand?

Yeah. I'm here.
When you're ready, I'm here.

-Would you do something with me?

Leave with me.
Leave where?
Leave here. Leave all this.
Just come with me.

Why would you want to leave?
They worship you.
You're like a god to them.

If we had it good before, wait
till you see what it's like now.

I don't want all that.
I don't want my family involved.

Everything I've done here
fucked it all up, understand?

You think what you did
was wrong?

Oh, baby. Oh, come on.
Those niggers got exactly
what they deserved...

and we all know that.
I understand you just got out,
but no one's gonna hurt you.

No one can touch you.
There's a small army out there.

We're not gonna let
a bunch of spooks kick us out.

You're not listening to me.
I'm not scared.

I don't want it anymore.
I'm done with it.
I'm through with this.

It's bullshit, Stacey.
You don't need this, Stacey.
Come on, trust me.
