
It looks like this is it, just when...
I was starting to like you.

[ Both Screaming ]
Who the hell is that?
That's enough.
I ain't telling you nothing.
Soldier, the princess is vital
to the future of this colony.

She must be returned
to take her proper place as queen.

We already have a queen.
As for your friend Z,
why should I hurt him?

[ Chuckles ]
He's not important.

Now, soldier,
we all know that one individual ant
doesn't matter.

Not you...
- not Cutter...
- [ Door Opens ]

- [ Azteca Grunts ]
- Not even her.

[ Groaning ]

Don't tell that tight-ass
anything, Weaver! Aagh!

- [ Grunting ]
- Where is Z?

- I don't know where he is!
- Hmm.

That's too bad.
[ Azteca Groaning ]
Wait! Insectopia.
Uhh! I know it sounds crazy,
but that's where he'd be going.

Soldier, you think this is a game?
Insectopia does not exist.

As a matter of fact... it does.
- Sir?
- I'll brief you on the coordinates.

You're gonna bring
the princess back.

And as for Z... kill him.
But you said he didn't matter.
It's for the good of the colony.
You made the right decision.

Gentlemen, now you can see...
