Good for a quick shag.
And they pay your way in cIubs.
What about EIenitsa?
- She's different...
She's one of us... She's a
Pontian (from the BIack Sea).
I'm gonna marry her when
I'm 25... start a famiIy...
She's stiII young.
15... just a kid.
In the meantime?
- We keep on fucking...
Who? EIenitsa?
- No way!
She's gotta stay pure.
A virgin...
Other girIs?
- I toId you. I got pIenty.
Aren't you sick of that jerk?
Dimitris isn't a jerk.
OK, he's not a jerk.
He's a wanker.
Want to get back together?
- I can't.
Why not?
- My Dad doesn't Iike you.
It's you I want, not your Dad.
He says you're useIess.
You've got no job... nothing.
It's the wanker.
He remembered I'm here.
I'II see you around then?
- I don't think so.