Apo tin akri tis polis

See you around.
ReguIar goIdmine...
her thighs.

What the heII's gotten into you, Georgie?
- One word out of you and you're history.

D'you Iike her?
- Not bad.

See how crazy she is about me?
Take a Iook at this...
Come on... don't be shy.
Make yourseIf at home.

What the heII are you doing?
Leave that song on.

Yeah, asshoIe! I can't
drive without music.

I heard a good one
- Not another one!

Shut up and Iisten. It's good.
There's this American...

and this Russian...
- ShouId we Iaugh now?

Shut it! So the American
Iooks at the Russian...

unzips his fIy and takes
out this huge dick.

Like mine, huh BIackie?
- Yeah, exactIy.

So he sIams his dick on the
tabIe and says to the Russian:

''My name's BiII...
BouffaIo BiII.''

OK BuffaIo. The Russian takes
a Iook, unzips his fIy...

and takes out two enormous dicks.
He sIams them on the tabIe and says:

''My name's BiII...

Good, huh?
- Good? What the fuck's that?

Can you eat it?
- Don't you get it, you jerks?

Are you kidding? You don't
know what ChernobyI is?

I do.
So teII us, Panagioti.
The suspense is fucking kiIIing me.

They dropped an atom
bomb there.

They did? When?
- Years ago.

- The Americans... Do I know?

CooI joke, BIackie.
ReaI cooI...

- Jerks.
