Hey, there's a Iine, man!
And after the army? What
wiII you do with your Iife?
I'm gonna do something on my own.
I'm gonna be a dancer.
AII this is gonna end.
- AII of it?
Everything OK?
- CooI.
What about Natasha?
- Fine. No probIem.
Have you had her yet?
- Sure I have. Right from day one.
How Iong were you going out with her?
- Six months.
Her cunt got fIoppy. No fun
fucking a fIoppy cunt.
What about the money?
- Short of cash?
I can give you
an advance if you Iike.
I'm Ieaving for Patras tonight.
I soId my watch yesterday.
It was a present from my Dad.
If he finds out, he'II kiII me.
- Where's your Dad now?
- Where?
SwitzerIand. A Iong way away.