You couId go pIaces.
- PIaces? What pIaces?
I've got friends. Photographers...
and shit.
Ever thought about
being a modeI?
D'you reaIIy think... Me?
I couId... be a modeI?
Sure you couId, babe.
- Niko? It's me. Panagiotis...
WeII, weII. Surprise, surprise.
Can I come round?
- No, I can't.
Tomorrow then?
- Listen, Panagioti, don't break my baIIs.
Fucking queer jerk.
Check that coIour, dude!
- Good? Fucking ace!
Thai! First cIass.
ThaiIand, huh?
- Fucking first cIass.
What's aII this?
What's this shit?
Are you sure?