All right, I'm coming.
For God's sake.
What do you want?
- Are you selling something?
- I have your newspaper.
- I'm not selling anything.
- Then what do you want?
- I just want to talk.
- Talk?
I don't have anything
to say to you. Good day.
Bergen-Belsen, January '43-June '43.
Auschwitz, June '43-June '44.
Then you went to Patin.
After that, you disappeared.
But in 1 965
you were spotted in West Berlin.
Listen, boy,
I don't have time for this game.
- Leave before I call the police.
- Call them.
I'm sure they'd love to meet you.
- Who are you?
- My name is Todd Bowden.
I really want to talk to you.
Could you let me in for a minute?
Please, Mr. Dussander.