How he blackmailed the old man to
serve his own morbid fascinations.
When the boy's grades
began to fall, -
- he blamed the old man and ordered
him to impersonate his grandfather.
Even though his hands
were stinging with arthritis, -
- he felt happy
for the first time in weeks.
He felt safe.
The following morning,
the old man put on his best suit.
He went to one of the local banks
and rented a safe-deposit box.
The bank officer told him -
- that only the old man could open
the box, with one exception:
The exception was in the event
of the box-holder's death.
- Then what?
- The bank would open he box.
The lnternal Revenue Service
would inventory the contents.
But in this case, they would
only find a 1 2-page document.
Non-taxable, but highly interesting.
- I don't believe you.
- My boy ...
- It's already done.
- Look at you!
- You could go at any time.
- Don't be so theatrical.
A man five years older than me
worries more about his heart -
- than being sent off to lsrael.
And the day will come,
if I live long enough, -
- when I decide that what you know
no longer matters.