I take it you're not
alerting everyone like this.
Nobody knows.
That's the way it stays.
For the next ten days, there are
only nine telescopes in the world...
that can spot the asteroid,
and we control eight of 'em.
The president's classified
this information top secret.
If news like this got out,
there'd be an overnight breakdown
of basic social services worldwide.
Rioting, mass religious hysteria,
total chaos, you can imagine.
Basically the worst parts of the Bible.
Six billion people on the planet.
Why'd you guys call me?
- We need you to prep the team
we're sending up.
- Up?
We'll send them to the asteroid,
they'll land, drill a hole,
they'll drop some nukes,
take off and detonate,
if we can fix this equipment problem.
The drilling unit's a prototype we've
been building for the Mars project.
You, uh-- You might recognize the rig.
Yeah, well, I guess
I should recognize it. It's my design.
- [ Man Chattering On P.A. ]
- [ Helicopter Blades Whirring ]
- Did you steal a key
to the Patent Office ?
- Yeah, basically.
Let me get this straight.
I got pulled off an oil rig,
flown halfway around the world
because you stole my drill design.
Couldn't read the plans right and did
a pisspoor job of putting it together.
- Patents don't apply to outer space.
- [ Dan ] You shut up, Quincy.
It's not going to Mars any more.
It's gonna try to save this planet.
And we need to know
what's wrong with it pretty quick.
- You said we did a bad job
of putting it together?
- No, I said...
you did a pisspoor job
of putting it together.
First of all, you got the flow system
all reversed. Let me guess.
- You've been tearin' up rotors
and you can't figure out why.
- Yeah, that's right.
Well, that's because
your cams are all wrong, Mr Wizard.
Who's been operating this thing?
- Right there.
- We've actually--
- We've had them training
for eight months solid now.
- Eight whole months?
- Well, pretty much, yeah.
- Well, gee whiz.
Well, this is the team
that has to do the job up there.
We need you to train them down here.
Well, Mr Stamper, what do you think ?
You know, drilling's a science.
It's an art.
I'm a third generation driller,
doin' it all my life.