
- All they gotta do is drill?
- That's it.

- No spacewalkin',
no crazy astronaut stuff.
- Just drill.

How many men were you
plannin' on takin' up there?

We're sendin' up
two shuttles, two teams.

If I do this,
I'm gonna wanna take my own men.

You got it.
- So you're saying you'll help us?
- Yes, sir.

I just don't trust
anybody else to do it, that's all.

- [ Siren Wailing ]
- No, Mrs Curlene.

It's Harry Stamper. You see Bear,
you tell him Harry's lookin' for him.

Those guys get off this rig,
they scatter.

J. Otis Curlene Bear.
Probably the only black man
on a big hog in Kadoka, South Dakota.

Come and get Papa Bear!
- Uh, Max.
- You got a weight limit on the shuttle?

- Max.
- Hey, Mama.

So sweet, Maxie.
Hey, would you give me one of them
yellow jelly bear claws I like?

- Are you in trouble with the law again?
- No, Mama.

- Maxie.
- I swear, Mama. I'm--

- You know I want Rockhound.
- We call him Hound because,
well, he's horny.

[ Grace ] You might wanna start
with every bar in New Orleans.

That is a big, shiny mount, isn't it ?
- How long you been married?
- For two weeks.

- See this diamond?
- Yeah.

- It's not a diamond.
Would you like another drink?
- Yeah.

- Sir, F.B.I.
- So cute. No, thanks.

- We have a national security matter.
- Good for you.

Let's go. Now.
How old are you?
Oscar Choice. Spacy but
absolutely brilliant geologist.

He owns a horse ranch
outside of EI Paso.

What the--
Mr Chick Chapel, at the craps table.
