I'll take care of this.
Get him out of the tank, Chick.
- You wanna go home? ls that it?
You wanna be fired?
- No, I don't.
- My crew was doing the right thing.
- Your crew?
- Yeah.
- Your crew just blew
the transmission, A.J.!
Listen, that NASA computer
is just playin' it safe.
The machine you built--
the rig-- could do it.
Shut up. Just shut up!
Shut your mouth!
Those men in that room have zero
tolerance for showin' off, hot doggin',
goin' by your gut instinct or
you tryin' to be a hero, you got that?
- Say the words, A.J.!
- I got it!
- I want my men
to have tomorrow night off.
- What do you mean "off"?
I mean, off. Out of here. For at least
ten hours. Then we'll go to Kennedy.
Well, there's no possible way
we can do that, Harry.
There's a potentially huge
security risk. What if they talk?
- What if they get hurt?
- What if they're too burnt out
to do the right thing?
What if they get up there, and they
forget what they're fighting for?
You see what's goin' on.
These boys are ready to snap.
They didn't ask to be here.
They got pulled off the street.
For all we know, tomorrow night could be
the last night they ever see Earth.
I don't think it's too much to ask
to let 'em spend it with their families.
- Listen, there's no possible
way we can do that.
- You got family, Colonel?
- Two girls.
- Wouldn't you like to spend
tomorrow with your girls?
I'm not askin' ya. I'm tellin' ya.
Make this happen.
This is a pretty big loan.
Why don't you count the cash?
Nah, this looks like 100 grand to me.
I'm givin' you this at 60 percent.
I hope you know what you're doin',
because I'll bust your head
with a sledgehammer.
- You'll get your money back.
- You don't look too healthy.
You're not gonna die on me, are ya?
Let's just say,
no more than you are. Thanks, Vic.
* Don't wanna close my eyes *
* I don't wanna fall asleep *
* 'Cause I'd miss you, baby *
* And I don't wanna miss a thing *
- You know what I was thinkin'?
- What?
I really don't think that the animal
cracker qualifies as a cracker.