But chicks like guys who can cook.
- What?
See! She was checking out my ass.
- She wasn't!
I'd better get these kids back.
Little Travis is getting impatient.
I love kids. Which one is Travis?
Heads up, big guy.
Needs a little work on the hands.
He's blind, Doug.
Felons' fans
rejoiced in their Denslow Cup victory
in downtown Dallas.
Final tally: 14 injured, 3 dead.
The sports world was devastated
by the passing of Ted Denslow.
The late Beers owner seemed to be
the only one surprised by his death.
Time just finally ran out
for the old cocksucker.
Theodore Denslow dead at 85.
His hairpiece was 24.
These chaps
I wore in "Rootin' Tootin' Rhythm"
I bequeath to my nephew Herman.
Hope he looks
as snappy in them as I did.
And this poncho
that kept me dry...
Mrs. Denslow? Baxter Cain. May I?
- Of course.
My deepest sympathy!
- Thank you, Mr. Cain.
This hand-painted plate commemorating
the Pope's visit to Dodger Stadium
I leave to my niece Susan.
Limited edition, signed
with a photocopied certificate
of authenticity... - Jenna!
What are you doing here?
- I'm not sure.
I got this letter...
- Me, too.
And the toothbrush...
Where's the body?
- They buried him 2 days ago.
This is the will reading.
- Well, in that case...
These are for you, Jenna.