
Cardiac syringe coming through!
Jackson having an incredible night.
And he's already hit
2 home runs tonight.

You have to wonder what
Charlie Hough is thinking, as Reggie...

...when man and beast

Death on the back roads
and byways of America!

I can't believe those assholes
taped over the game.

Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
I was just
fixing clam chowder.

Come in. - When you weren't
at the hospital, I came right over.

There was some terrorist attack
on the post-op ward. - Terrorists?

Yeah, they were disguised as baseketball
players. I was so worried...

about Joey.
- Was he...? Is he...?

Oh, he's fine. He came through
the operation with flying colors.

With that new liver he should be peeing
like a champ in no time.

That's kidneys, Coop.
Have a seat.
Thank you for all you've done for Joey.
- Oh, it's nothing.

He's going to remember this day
for the rest of his life.

I don't doubt that.
