That's the biggest race so far this year.
They got drivers comin' in
all the way from Houston.
Mm-hm. Wasted trip if you ask me.
Johnny Del's gonna kick their asses.
That boys bringin' me home another
trophy, mark my words.
Well, you need another trophy
in that window...
...like that mangy old hound
of yours needs another flea.
Another trophy, you mark my words.
Yes sir.
But he won't be bringin'
home that many more anyway.
How's that?
He's been savin' up his winnings for what,
four years now and goin' away to college.
Gonna make somethin' of himself.
What exactly?
Well, he's not gonna pump gas
the rest of his days, tell you what.
Well, that'll be uh, eight dollars even.
Say hello to that boy of yours for me.
It's only a race.
Sara Jane, if you say it's only
a race one more time,
I think I'm gonna bust.
Damn half lap left to go when the
head gasket blows out on me.
My old man's gonna gloat for a month.
It's only a race.
Looks like old Norm thinks
they're still in the race.
Hey, Grissom, get that sorry
piece of shit off my highway...