...before someone gets hurt!
Howdy, Sam.
Yo, Johnny ...
...good race today.
Good race?
Bullshit! It was a great race!
Ain't this the most beautiful
thing you ever saw?
Looks like skill and talent
finally won out over blind,
stupid-ass luck, huh, Grissom?
Blind luck?
Huck him.
I know a fellah who'd give you fifty bucks
if you wanna scrap that
big old black bag of Bandini.
I'll just keep that in mind, Norm.
You do that.
Well, let's go, Sam!
That's our local law enforcement right there.
Makes you sleep easy at night, don't it?
Oh, my god! Blind luck?
Norm, you asshole!
It's only blind luck you won! Kiss my ass!
Sara Jane, set-tle down.
Man! It's only a race.
Well, thanks for coming out today.
Even though I ate dirt.
Can I see ya later?
Um, I don't know.
You know how my dad gets about all that.
Well, I'll tell ya what.
I'll swing on by here tonight
just in case you get out.