Black Cat Run

Where are you hidin' him?
I seems to remember telling you,
you ain't welcome here no more.

Now, are you uh, ya hard of hearin'
or are you just plain fuckin' stupid.

See anything in there?
Man oughta clean these damn windows.
We could check around back.
Go on, check around back.
So what the man says.
Get on back there. See what's what.
Bill, let's not...
...make this any harder than it has to be.
Johnny Del's way in over his head this time.
The sheriff's lyin' dead
out there on the highway.

Courtesy of your boy.
Yeah, what do you got
to say to that, Mister Grissom?

Well, that's a bunch of bullshit.
Oh, shit !
Sam, let's go!
Move it! Move it!
Let's go!
This is the State Police calling all
available Haddonton County sheriff's units.

Please advise with your twenty.
We are in pursuit of a suspect
in a black four-forty-two

heading west about a mile out
of Haddonton on Highway Seventeen.

What is your location?
We're coming up on town
from the south.
Be advised we have additional
state units approaching Haddonton.

All right, then why don't ya
have them boys set...

us a little roadblock
outside of town?

We'll block that son-of-a-bitch in.
Ten-four, will go.
Suspect driving a four-four-two.
We're looking for a black four-four-two.
