These nightclubs of yours
are dangerous.
Are they?
They draw needless
attention to our kind.
You know our policy.
Your policy,
not mine.
Our livelihood...
depends on our ability
to blend in
and our discretion.
Maybe it's time we forgot
about discretion.
We should be ruling
the humans,
not running around
making back-alley treaties
with them.
For fuck's sake,
these people are our food,
not our allies.
You're out of line, Frost.
Am I?
Or maybe I'm just
the first to say out loud
what we've
all been thinking.
We have existed this way
for thousands of years.
Who are you
to challenge our ways?
You're not even
a pureblood.
Like it matters.
I was born a vampire,
as was every other member
of this house,
but you, Frost...
you were merely turned.
The world belongs to us,
not the humans.
You know that.
Do we have any other
business to discuss?
Well, uh...
there's the matter of
our offshore accounts.
We're having
And have you made
the transfer to the--
you may wake up one day
and find yourself extinct.