Woolly Susie! Hey, Woolly Susie!
What're you doing here?
To give you back this dog
Nuts, it's not mine
He belongs to both of us
Buster was kept
by both my Dad and your Mum
He belongs to both parties
Listen, man's belongings to the man
woman's to the woman
This dog is male. He goes to the man
How can you tell he's male?
I can't even tell if you're a girl?
What? You having male menopause?
Take him back I don't want him
Where shall we sup?
Kwan Yick Street
Called your Ho Tung girl already
Really? Is she gorgeous? Of course
Look out, a dog!
Buster! Buster's knocked down!
You hit a pup! Get down and look
Clumsy fool, don't you know how to pedal
Buster's bleeding! What shall we do?
Is there a vet nearby?
There's one down in Water Street
Taxi, I'll call a taxi...
It's just downhill. It's faster to cycle
Can I borrow your bike? Sure, take it
Go to hell!
It's just down the road
Wait for me! Come on
Remember to return after use
to Ricci Hall C-9
Okay. Okay
Help! You sure you can handle this?
Yes, shut up
I'm scared! Don't worry