I meant to build a bridge here
in Hong Kong
Every big city should have
a beautiful bridge
In the U.S.A.
you've got the Golden Gate Bridge
In ltaly, the Bridge of Sighs
In England, there's Cam Bow
Cam Bow, what a nice name for Cambridge
I like it
Where are you going to build this bridge
Don't know yet
Got to look down from a plane...
to see which is the best location
Why don't we go and
learn to fly a plane together?
Good. And I promise you
the first day I've learnt how to fly...
we'll fly together that very first day
So let's go and have lessons tomorrow
I'm leaving next term
You really have to go?
I've made something for you
when I was inside
Your hand?
See, identical
The lines of your palm
are so complicated
It's my name!
My lines of life, Career and Romance...
are all composed of your name
Where to?
Don't you want it very much?
Don't be silly
Maybe next time