
Hello, I'm Jay Bulworth.
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

Our obligation is to reduce
our bloated government...

but at the same time,
restore its creative power...

to reinvigorate our society--
[ Tape rewinding ]
My name is Jay Bulworth.
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

Our obligation--
[ Tape rewinds ]

California families
who live by the rules...

and work hard
and pay their taxes...

shouldn't be paying
for people who do nothing.

I'm Jay Bulworth.
I believe in a hand up,
not a hand down.

I need your support on Tuesday.
[ Beeping countdown ]
I'm Jay Bulworth.
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

I'll fight to end unnecessary
affirmative action programs.

[ Overlapping ]
I'm Jay Bulworth.

We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

Our obligation is to reduce--
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

Our welfare system
is out of control.

Of course we should help...
My name is Jay Bulworth.
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

My wife Connie and I
have been married for 24 years.

She's been a loving partner,
and more importantly...

Connie's been my friend.
CONSTANCE: Jay has been a great
senator for California...

but the best job he's done is
as a loving husband and father.

I believe
in the old-fashioned values...

of honesty and decency
and fidelity.

Join me in my crusade...
to strengthen
California's families.

[ Beeping countdown ]
Hello, I'm Jay Bulworth.
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

I'm Jay Bulworth.
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.

We can't afford any longer
to give people privileges...

on the basis of race.
