MURPHY: Scotty, how are you?
Vivian, Rwanda,
I didn't expect you to be here.
Those key chains look fantastic.
How you feeling, Senator?
Get any sleep on the plane?
Has Mr. Murphy
forgotten something?
Mr. Murphy, the senator?
MURPHY: Whoops.
Senator? Senator Bulworth.
MINISTER: The honorable senator
from California...
the Senator
Jay Billington Bulworth.
- Yay!
- Yay!
Hey, that's a nice
little piece of timing.
Senator, your speech, sir.
[ Applause continues ]
We stand at the doorstep
of a new millennium.
MURPHY: Listen to this.
I put a little time in on this.
JAY: And at the same time,
restore its creative power...
to reinvigorate our society...
And, uh...
bring about a, uh, rebirth
of, uh, democracy, uh...
Any questions?
FELDMAN: Nice. Less is more.
WOMAN: When the riots went down
four years ago...
you promised us
federal funding to rebuild.
What happened?
[ Audience murmuring ]
What happened was...
we all knew
that was gonna be big news...
so we all came down here--
Bush, Clinton, Wilson--
got our pictures taken, told you
what you wanted to hear...