- What does "mack" mean?
- Mack?
Macavoy, what does mack mean?
Gary, do you know?
Like, "You're macking
on my sister"?
MURPHY: For you to be running
against Hugh Weldie...
who has just leapt on
the neoconservative bandwagon--
[ Engine backfires ]
[ Backfire ]
Uh, is your sciatic nerve
bothering you again?
JAY: No, no, no, I'm fine.
Several of our people
find Weldie's duplicity...
particularly, uh...
[ Backfire ]
You've had such a tough day.
What do you say we get you
some downtime?
I could cover for you
at the Liebowitzes'.
- Are you kidding me?
- Absolutely.
After all the money
we've worked these guys for?
We get more money from
these jokers than the Chinese.
MURPHY: I'll tell you what.
I've got an idea. Pull over.
Gary, what do you say you and I
and your colleagues...
head on over to headquarters?
That is a good idea. Great.
Let's do that. Come on, Gar.
And we'll see you
in Beverly Hills.
That is a good idea.
Gary, this is gonna be
much better.
You are gonna get
a behind-the-scenes look...
at how a campaign
actually operates.
You eat on the plane, Senator?
JAY: No.
- How long since you ate?
- Wednesday.
Ha ha ha!
Pull in here, will you?
I'm starving.
Let's get some chicken wings.
MANNY: Frankly, this is getting
uncomfortable for me.
A third of the guests
have left already.
A third of the guests are drunk.
When do you think he'll be here?
MURPHY: I think he'll be here
any second.
MANNY: You do?
MURPHY: He's had such a day.
The senator is helping
the state department...
work out details
on a new guarantee.
A new guarantee? I'm sorry.
MURPHY: The West Bank.
You didn't hear it from me.
MANNY: The West Bank.
He'll be here any second.
TANYA: Yo, Senator Bulworth.
Here we are--volunteer valets.
Manny and Dorothy Liebowitz.
Hello. It's good to see you.
Sid Sheinberg and Lew Wasserman
had to leave...
but I'm sure they'd agree
the security of the West Bank...
is more important
than you being on time.