
getting paid
by some really rich guys...

to ask a couple
of other rich guys...

questions about their campaign.
But our campaigns are financed
by the same guys...

that pay you guys your money...
so what are we talking about?
NINA: I'm bringing the man
down there.

If they don't like it,
they can kiss my ass.

I could tell you stories...
about getting money from them
that would pin your ears back.

Stories about me.
I don't know about Hugh.
Do you have that, uh...
But, uh, I tell you--
He's got something hot here.

JAY: Republicans, Democrats,
what's the difference?

Your guys, my guys,
our guys, us guys.

It's a club...
so why don't we just,
uh, have a drink? Hugh?

You know, Hugh,
if you win this thing...

you really gotta think about
where your kids go to school.

We put our daughter in
Sidwell-Friends with Clinton's.

The Gores really like
St. Albans...

but a public school
anywhere around Washington...

is a disaster.
CLARK: Excuse me, Senator.
If you don't mind...

I think we're here to ask
about the news of your camp--

JAY: News?
What are you talking about,
the news?

Come on, the guys you and I
get our money from...

they don't want the people
to have the news.

They want you to think
that corporations...

are more efficient
than government, right?

You want to know
why the health care industry...

is the most profitable business
in the Unites States?

'Cause the insurance companies
take 24 cents...

out of every dollar
that's spent.

You know what
it takes the government...

to do the same thing
for Medicare?

Three cents out of every dollar.
Now, what is all this crap
they hand you...

about business
being more efficient?

What the hell is going on here?

These guys need to be regulated.

You think these pigs
are gonna regulate themselves?

What's going on?
HILL: If you'll please pardon
the interruption...

it seems
as if we're experiencing...

some technical
difficulties here.

JAY: Hey, Hugh, what's up?
What's up?
What's happening, baby?

[ Laughing ]
I'm doing what I got to do.
I'm bringing him down there,
God damn it.
