Faster, faster.
You're like a zombie!
Okay, hit the mark.
Look up.
Come on, come on.
And good, good.
Cut! We cut!
Nicole, thank you.
That was amazing.
So compelling.
Your body language, it's
so emotional, everything you do.
You get the big bucks because
you make me look great.
Camp David here.
About the ring.
Mary, here's Nicole.
- Sorry to bug you.
- Okay, pal.
- Do I sign the thing?
- Voucher.
You get a voucher?
- Did they get it?
- Let's hope.
Our wardrobe, right?
John, take this.
Where do I know you from?
I know you, right?
Chippers in So-Ho.
I waited on you.
What a great memory!
It was a couple
of months ago, right?
But I remembered your face.
And you're an actress.
I'm an extra.
A face in the crowd.
I'll get my sweatshirt.
When do you finish work?
Was that gorgeous black girl
you came with your girlfriend?
It was a guy in drag!
What are you talking about?
- Gorgeous girlfriend?
- Beautiful, whatever it was.
I was writing a
piece on transvestites...
which is why you saw my
"gorgeous girlfriend".
Well if you ever come back...
I get off around midnight.
You need a...
Excuse me, can I borrow...?
Tell me how close I am.
You're from rich parents...
you see a shrink and
you're dyslexic, right?
- That was good.
- I try.
My father's wealthy...
I do see a shrink...