We watch you every
Sunday on TV!
We wouldn't miss it
for the world!
Good to see you.
- Will you stay long?
- As long as I can.
Father Gladden is
our guest, from the TV.
Father, my daughter got a prize
at school for charity work.
She'd love to have
your autograph.
Entrance into the
Kingdom of God...
is determined by our response
to the neighbour in need.
I don't know what I'm doing here.
Relax, I was the
same at first.
My room's so spare.
And with a Bible!
And the water comes out brown.
I told the handyman. Really,
I know what you're going through.
When my husband went off
with his secretary, I was lost.
Someone said,
"You were raised a Catholic.
How could you consider a hit man?"
And I heard about this retreat.
- But I'm not religious.
- Nor am I.
My life, religious? I've had
two divorces and two abortions.
But to take a break from
the chaos of the city...
No, no, no.
The water comes out
brown in my room.
And the bed's hard.
You've had a trauma.
No therapy, no pills...
what you need is peace and quiet.
Your emotions
have to settle.
I couldn't go back
to teaching again.
Who's more popular,
the Pope or Elvis?
- I don't think there's any doubt...
- Elvis!
Do you think that the Beatles,
at the height of their fame...
were bigger stars than Jesus?
- World population was smaller...
- Autograph, please?
The food's the worst.
What is this?
I don't know. Shoe leather?
You don't have to eat it.
I asked for it rare.
But you don't like meat.
I said "rare".
You heard me.
I told them twice.
"Not overdone."
Well, we're not
here to enjoy ourselves.
Eat it, or something else.
- The macaroni cheese is good.
- Would you like mine? It's rare.