No, I'll take you, because...
Are you crazy?
Look at your Aston Martin!
I can claim it in the morning.
The night is young.
I wanted to see your mirror.
You can't leave the
scene of an accident.
This is a bad neighbourhood.
You should...
I'll be fine.
I'm a black belt.
- But if you're bleeding internally?
- Nice to meet you!
Fucking cold!
I've been waiting for 2 hours.
- I've been waiting too.
- Dr Lupus knows you're here.
I can't wait.
- If you'd like to reschedule...
- I made this appointment in June.
I've been waiting a year
for my appointment.
I know a woman who sold
her appointment for $3,000.
If they're going to touch
me, I want the best.
I understand. Since that
Newsweek article, we're overrun.
- Dr. Lupus!
- A few minutes.
Very interesting. I
can work with that.
Miss Lipton in 7.
It's really worth the wait.
The man's an artist.
Dr. Lupus, hello.
I'm worried about my jowls.
What do you think?
Yes, they'll go.
- Some of the neck, too.
- Excuse me.
No, no, those eyes
have to be wider.
And we got to get
rid of the double chin.
I want to make you look like
Pearl Chavez, the fiery half-breed.
"Duel in the Sun", right? They'll
think you have Indian blood.
Thank you.
I don't know why I'm here.
Herman, she needs a makeover.
Thanks for fitting us in.
Please, please!
You're very special to me.
- Do I need a makeover?
- Why be less than perfect?
What can we do with the eyes?
I see what you mean.
They're beady.
- And tighten this up, too.
- Beady?
I told her you
were a genius.
I read that
Newsweek article.
- The lips a little fuller?
- Fuller?
Not if you prefer that
cold, stressful look.
- Are they too thin?
- It won't be noticeable.