- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.
No, I lost control.
I guess you're still
in love with him.
I guess I am.
Good night.
Well, think about what I said.
- About what?
- About coming to work for me.
That's a fantasy.
You're bright. You'd learn.
My company's growing.
You could grow with us.
Too inhibited.
- That's a shame.
- I'm sorry.
Good night.
- Did you like the movie?
- I hate Papadakis.
One cliché after another.
When you see these scripts,
it's so depressing.
Were you upset about
the run-in with your ex?
She's an hysteric.
I'm lucky I got out.
Tonight was proof
positive, if I needed proof.
Sounds like you're
protesting too much.
No, my class reunion was
the defining moment for me.
- How's that?
- A class reunion last year.
Take my advice. Don't do it.
Doris, Doris! How are you?
- You look the same.
- Great to see you.
- This is Nat.
- Hi, Nat, how are you?
- What are you up to?
- I work in imports.
- What are you doing?
- I write for a travel magazine.
Get to travel for free?
Free, yeah, tell me about it.
We crash-landed in Dubrovnik!
Eddie, Eddie!
- Look what the cat dragged in.
- Nice to see you.
This is Lenore, my wife.
What are you up to?
We've got four kids.
Two on the way.
What do you do when
you're not procreating?
I forget.
I'm a dentist, that's it.
Have you seen Jay Tepper?
Not for ages.
I don't believe this!
- Lee, how are you?
- I'm good.
- What are you doing these days?
- Hanging in there.
Still running and killing the girls?