There was no energy.
It was trivial.
You don't mind
my being frank?
Are you okay?
The rest of them
will be here soon.
Let's not take all day on this.
Move it along! I've got plans.
- This way, Mr Adelman.
- Counselor! Nice to have you back.
- It's a pleasure.
- Put him in the Green Room.
You're from the ACLU, right?
Can I get you anything?
Yeah. I'm expecting a call.
Can you put it through?
Of course. You know each other?
These gentleman are from the
South Carolina Klan.
We've done a few
shows together.
You're Minister Polynice!
The others are in
the Green Room.
Is there time
for a sandwich?
Of course, Mary...?
- Can I see you in my office?
- Just a minute. Mary...
Margaret, I'm so sorry...
The attorney is
expecting a call...
- Hi, I'm Dawn Dawson.
- Dawn Dawson?
The teenage obese acrobat.
I had an appointment today.
The teenage obese acrobat, today?
- You said the 14th.
- Our "Overweight Achievers."
Oh my God! I gave
out the wrong date!
- You said the 14th.
- I am so sorry.
Excuse me, the
skinheads are here.
Green Room's
getting crowded.
How about the lounge?
With Rabbi Kaufman.
That'd be nice. It's just
round the corner.
How about makeup? I'm a lawyer,
I can't appear without makeup!
It's a madhouse.
I've made a mistake. I
gave out wrong dates.
- Come here.
- I'm so sorry.
I screwed up. I'm so sorry.
I've been watching you run
up and down all morning...
and I can't take my eyes off you.
I can't get the
weekend in Bermuda...
out of my mind.
There's lots to do.
Priorities. Never
Oh my God!
I'm Professor Benz. We're
here for the taping.
I'm sorry, there's
been a mistake.
Sorry. "Overweight Achievers"
is next week.
- Who are you?
- Lou DeMarco.