I'm impressed with your ear.
- My ear?
- Yeah, dialogue.
My ear! Well, I try and listen.
Know what I mean?
It flows.
Come on, come on!
Come on, baby!
Stick him! Come on!
Is this a good time to go
over script problems?
He can't put a fucking
combination together, shit!
Let's shoot craps.
I can't sit still.
If we could get our business
done, you could play more relaxed.
- You shoot crap?
- I don't, no.
I'll teach you, man!
I know the rules, but I
didn't bring much money.
I'll advance you some.
From our royalties?
Very generous.
I wanted to talk
about the opening.
You know? It
feels a little rushed.
It's definitely rushed.
Needs more build-up.
- No, not build-up.
- Not build-up!
Character development.
Who is this Sonnyboy?
Why's he need to score so bad?
You have a feel for this.
Shoot 'em, babe!
You're fucking cursed.
It ain't your night.
I can't believe I ran
through $6,000 so fast.
All right, seven or eleven!
Gimme the dice!
Seven or eleven, baby!
You know after the opening
scene, when Sonnyboy meets...
Hey man, you partake in this?
Well I have some alcohol,
so... not really.
So I was wondering how you felt
about how I handled the robbery.
It's a terrific sequence,
I'm very happy...
Needs a complete rewrite.
Nobody'd believe you could steal
an armoured car in the daytime.
- It's ridiculous.
- Not enough subterfuge.
For you, baby.
Hey, you like her?