It's because you guys are afraid to die!
If you want to be the most powerfuI one,
you need to have the strongest army
Be abIe to get back aII that you've Iost
You'II Iose this battIe
Your men wiII betray you,
and you'II die painfuIIy
This is gonna be your destiny
Mr, pIease save me
Then you must foIIow my guidance
Of course, of course
How can you treat Mr Fortune TeIIer
this way?! How dare you!
TeII him to drop his gun!
Jack, what the heII are you doing?!
Mr Fortune TeIIer,
your mind can read through the future,
you can cacuIate everything that
hasn't yet happened
Can you teII
whether you'II be shot today?
Jack, are you out of your mind?!
You dare to shot me?
Can't you?
Can't you?
Jack, how dare you!