Chan sam ying hung

Martin, how have you been?
I haven't been too weII
I had to go around detours and
make sure nobody was foIIowing us
before I get here

Mr Fong
I've been waiting for you
for a Iong time, how's out there?

It's a mess out there
When I tried to kiII Yam Iast time,
I faiIed

Three of our guys got kiIIed
It adds up to eighteen aIready
So, do you need me to take charge now?
ProbabIy not,
you shouId be pretty safe in here

In addition, Yam ran off
Where did the asshoIe go?
Maybe to go see the generaI
Fuck! Now he's crying for mama,
what a useIess piece of shit

This time I have
to straighten things out with him,

I won't do generaI a favour anymore
Then we aII gonna die
We made a deaI Iast year,
we both were gonna co-operate to controI
the entire Hong Kong

That bastard kicked me out,
he even tried to kiII me

The battIe went on untiI today,
whoever gives up first Ioses

Martin, you had heIped me
for more than a decade,

regardIess what you have to heIp me
this time

you have to kiII that bastard to me

Before he finds the generaI
Of course
Take a rest
Martin, good Iuck
Go have a haircut
Boss, do you want me
to find you a severaI girIs?

What was Martin thinking?
This is a country side

