I'II take it as Iong as
they're cooked aIright,
but don't make them taste too awefuI
Okay, Jack
You must find out
whether it's gonna rain tomorrow
Have a cup of tea first
I went to see the doctor Iast month,
he toId me to quit smoking
I'm getting oId,
can't bear with this any Ionger
I shouIdn't go see the Fortune TeIIer
Ask those imaginative spirits
instead of reaI peopIe,
can't decide anything on my own
I think it's about time...
I have asked you a severaI times,
were you gonna wage a war with Fong?
You said yes, you were gonna fight him,
tiII the very end,
there's no turning back
Our gang's spirit is very important now,
you shouIdn't say things Iike that
I've heard that you've seen Martin?
He has arrived in ThaiIand and
went to see the Fortune TeIIer