Oh, shit.
What are you missing?
Got it!
Thank you, everybody.
Presbyterian's on line 2.
His rhythm will be irritable.
- She's getting good, huh?
- Yeah, she's getting that attitude too.
Getting an attitude?
Shit! V-tac!
Christ! Paddles!
Kill the music. Get her back.
- Charge to 2.
- Charging 200.
Dr. Rice.
- No pressure.
- You give him lidocaine?
100's gone in.
Buzz him again at 300.
- Still nothing.
- Start compression.
Kill the alarm!
Hold up. It's not working.
Got to open him.
How long to go back on?
It'll take me 10 minutes.
Come on! Nothing.
Internal paddles. Charge to 20.
Hit it.
Go to 30.
Hit it.
No response.