Excuse me.
Are you a visitor?
Visiting hours have been
over since 8:00.
Why do they have that?
Doesn't it help the patient
to be visited?
Who are you visiting?
Mr. Messinger?
Right now?
I don't need a visitor.
You're not ill?
I'm one of the doctors here.
Are you in despair?
I lost a patient.
You did everything you could?
I was holding his heart
in my hand when he died.
Then he wasn't alone.
Yes, he was.
People die.
Not on my table.
People die when their bodies give out.
It's my job to keep their bodies from
giving out. Or what am I doing here?
It wasn't your fauIt, Maggie.
I wanted him to live.
He is living.
Just not the way you think.
I don't believe in that.
Some things are true
whether you believe in them or not.