-Why do people cry?
-What do you mean?
I mean, what happens physically?
Tear ducts operate on a normal basis
to lubricate and protect the eye.
When you have an emotion,
they overact and create tears.
Why? Why do they overact?
I don't know.
Maybe emotion becomes so intense...
...your body just can't contain it.
Your mind and your feelings
become too powerful.
Your body weeps.
I have to go.
I got to go. Stay right here.
Don't go anywhere.
Stay right there.
-Get the tube out.
-He can't breathe.
It's because the tube is blocked.
How you feeling?
Ready to hit the waves.
I'm afraid your bodysurfing
days are over.
You got a mean tattoo going there.
What does your wife think of that?
That is my wife.
Check his vitals every 1 5.