Thank you.
You ready to deal?
Because I can answer all
your questions, friend.
How's the French toast?
Set me up.
Guess I should introduce myseIf.
Come on, give me your hand.
Put it in mine. There you go.
A little tighter. Tighter.
There you go.
No, that's too much.
There you go. Good grip.
Nathaniel Messinger.
Glutton, hedonist...
...former celestial body,
recent addition to the human race.
I don't believe you.
You want proof?
You hang out at a library.
You can speak every language.
You travel with the speed of thought...
...and you're reading
my mind right now.
Stop that.
You're doing it.
It's impossible.
"Some things are true
whether you believe them or not."
-You choose.
To fall to Earth.
You take the plunge,
the tumble, the dive.
You jump off a bridge.
Leap out a window.
You just make up your mind
to do it and you do it.
You wake up all smelly,
and aching from head to toe...
...and hungrier than you've
ever been...
...only you have no idea what hunger is
or any of that stuff...
...so it's all real confusing
and painful, but very, very good.