Pietro's gonna be a school teacher.
Got brains, he has.
Just like you, huh.
Smart like you !
What's the name of the street ?
I can't figure out athing here.
Who wrote this ?
A guy from home
who can read 'n write.
I've got no time to waste !
If we find it right away, okay,
if not you look for it yourseIves.
You're right.
Vito ! Hurry on up !
Via Santa Chiara.
Pastry and Bake Shop.
Here it is !
It's closed.
City of Turin.
Ordinance of Closure
by Injunction...''
It's shutdown ! Folded.
What's that mean ?
Nobody works here, it's closed.
Nobody ?
Whadda ya mean nobody ?
Someone's gotto be there ! Knock.
Wanna be here all night?
You want to work here ?
No work here,
it's all closed up, it is.
Do like me.
I'm staying just a few days.
And then... home !
You've been really nice.
When ya come down our way,
we'll take a walk
down the main street.
This is Via della Consolata, 8.
If we go by this piece of paper,
it could be "SconsoIata"...