Così ridevano

If you don't,
how'll you wake up in the morning ?

You gotta go to schooI.
You have to wake up !
Gimme your lil' smile ?
See ? You can do it.
Come on, you have to go to school.
I'll heat some milk.
You're lucky, it's stopped raining.
Want some bread ?
When was the last time
we bought bread ?

This is still good, it's good.
I'll leave you something to eat
when you get back from school.

If I'm not here, just warm it up.
There's some cheese too.
But you don't like cheese anyway.
Still studying ?
That's enough.
You've studied all night,
eat something now.

It's important to be healthy
for school.

You know, it's right this way.
When parents talk to the teachers,
the students shouIdn't be there.

That way, the teachers
teII us the truth.

But I know the truth about you.
You're smart.
Oh, the long hand
is on the mark. It's Iate.

Move it. Tie, jacket...
This time I'm coming to
taIk to your teacher.

Don't you worry.
You won't be ashamed.

I'll dress up nice.
Wear one of your ties.
