What do you want?
Nothing, I don't smoke.
Go to cIass.
I've got Religion cIass.
You need something ?
A fake signature
in my absences book,
an ink eraser to erase the "F"
in the class register.
I got no money.
Go back to the priest.
WouId you like to be a Professor
instead of cleaning toilets ?
I can make this miracle happen.
Today is Parents' Day.
The teachers meet the parents.
When they've all left,
dress up nice,
go into the teachers' room
and be Ferraris.
Doctor of Letters.
My brother's coming to ask
how I'm doing in schooI.
You have to make me look good.
TeII him that I study,
that I'm attentive
and that I'll be promoted in June.
And the most important thing,
that I'm top of my cIass.
Looks Iike a lawyer,
smooth talker,
gift of gab, the lot...
And if he doesn't
make Pietro look good ?
He's from Barletta, but when he
talks, they think he's from Turin.
You know what he'll say
to the teacher?
"Hi Sir, how's my brother
catchin' on ?
Is he a good student?"
Come on, I'll do the talking.
How much does he want for this ?
Don't worry !
We'll come to an agreement...