You know that one school book
costs 1,200 lira ?
What do you care ?
You can't read or write.
1,200 lira !
A family can buy bread
for three days.
For my brother in school
I bought one that cost 1,500 lira !
It's called Atlas.
There are pictures,
sometimes I Iook at them.
There is Sicily too.
You know it looks bigger than ItaIy.
How's that possible ?
Have you got the money today ?
Only 2,000 Iira.
What can I do with that ?
You have to pay up,
I need the money today.
I haven't got it.
If you wait a little,
when I have it,
I'll put something on top.
What ?
At the end of the month...
...now that I'm working, when I get
paid, I'll add something extra.
You got a family?
Children ?
Another is on the way in June.
-Do you send money home ?
-At Christmas.
What you lent me.
At the end of the month,
when you get your pay,
5,000 lira is mine.