Well, what?
I see you're enjoying yourself.
Yes, thank you, Signor Venier.
Otherwise, you'll make me feel old.
Let me help you.
It's not a sight
for such beautiful eyes.
I'm not afraid of flesh.
The man who bid you rhyme...
...Francesco Martenengo...
...admiral of our fleet.
Whatever you do, don't make him mad.
Bishop De La Torre.
His collection of paintings is surpassed
only by his collection of women.
So many?
Ramberti, you know.
Minister of Defense.
I tell you, he's in love with you.
You say that as if
you thought it a disease.
You think, perhaps,
I want you for myself?
I would not presume.
I was flattered to think
you might harbor such suspicions...
...under the circumstances.
I would be happy to attend to you
under any circumstances.