Impending deprivation...
...always makes me hungry.
My dear...
...you're not eating.
But you are though, darling.
There'll be no more of these little
delicacies if the sultan turns nasty.
Why are bells ringing
at this time of night?
The sultan has attacked.
He took 8 ships near Malta.
If we don't sail for Cyprus by Easter,
we won't be sailing back.
- Sooner, I think.
- If we can't rally France, we won't.
The Turks have 3 ships to our 1.
- Will the King of France help us?
- If we amuse him.
King Henry's a boy in men's breeches.
- A powerful boy.
- A boy nonetheless.
He commands a lot of ships
and has no love for the Turks.
Your wife believes
she has bewitched you.
What's the harm in bewitching
a married man?
That man has to have heirs.
He's to be a senator soon.
So he shall.
What God and greed
have joined together...
...let no love put asunder.
The woman you love is not good...
...not pure, not meek.
I'm a courtesan. It's the only thing
you'll let me do...
I can't bear it.
I know I have no right...
...but I won't share you.
But I must share you. I must bear that.
I have no choice.