We were hoping you'd tell us
what's happening with the war.
What do you know?
Just that we're
fighting the Turks again.
And that's all?
Their sultan sent us an ultimatum.
Either we surrender Cyprus or he takes it
by force. Our fleets went to defend it.
Is Cyprus so important,
we must send our husbands to battle?
Without Cyprus...
...we lose control over
the eastern Mediterranean.
I know we own it...
...but where exactly is Cyprus?
My husband...
...do you know if he is alive or dead?
Alive and well.
And mine?
The admiral is alive. And a hero.
And my husband?
Who is your husband?
My husband is Pietro Vicco.
He's strong. He'll come home safely.
You know her husband well.
Not at all well,
but his reputation precedes him.
Go on, ask her.
Ask her what you're longing to.
Ask her what draws our husbands
back to her again and again...
...like pigs to a trough!