Tonight's requirements are...
12 family photo albums,
nine personal diaries,
17 love letters,
assorted childhood photographs,
requisite false l.D.s
and social security cards.
These do bring back memories.
This one is still warm.
What is it?
The recollections of
a great lover?
A catalogue of conquests?
We will soon find out.
You wouldn't
appreciate that,
would you,
Mr. Whatever-your-name is?
Not the sort of conquest
you would ever understand.
Let's see.
A touch of
unhappy childhood...
A dash of
teenage rebellion...
And last but not least...
a tragic death
in the family.
Mr. Book.
Why does Murdoch not sleep
during the Tuning?
Maybe he's a step up
the evolutionary ladder.
A freak of nature.
He's adapting to survive.
What do you expect?