Dark City

Sorry, Johnny.
The old cracker barrel
ain't what it used to be.

-It was so bright there.
-Brighter times, I guess.

You were always scribbling
in that damn book.

That's me and your Pa.
What a couple of
handsome fools.

What happened to my parents?
Where are they now?
They're dead, Johnny.
They died when the house
burned down.

I looked after you.
You don't remember that,

What's that? What is that?
It's a scar.
You burned your arm pretty bad
in the fire.

What does it mean?
It means these are all lies!
My husband told me
he'd been here.

He told me he wanted
to test himself.

See if he was...
capable of...
I wanted to talk to her.
I thought she could
help me find him.

I'm going to call the station.
It's beautiful.
It was a gift from my mother.
She died recently.
I keep it with me
to remind me of her.
