How you doing?
Can I help you?
Well, actually,
we're looking
for your mom.
Is she around?
My mom's sick.
She's not here.
Gosh, I love boats.
Are you going on a trip?
That's exciting. Looks
like a long trip, huh?
So, listen, do you know
where you're going?
Rittenhouse: She's going
back to the house.
Hey, you want to stop that?
Lily, please.
Lily, that's a pretty name.
Do as I say.
Go on.
If we could just get
a minute of your time.
What do you want from me?
We'd like to talk
about your resignation.
My wife is sick.
She's in the hospital.
That's why I resigned.
Everybody knows this.
We could talk
about your wife,
or we could just
talk about Ellie.
Turn the camera off.
If you want to talk to me,
turn it off.
We know everything.
Nobody knows everything.
Well, we know about
the secret phone lines
and the whispered calls
to the president
and about a secretary
of the Treasury
who's kept his entire
department in the dark
about what
he's really doing--
about a cover story
about his resignation
that just fell through.
You want me to go on?
And you're
just gonna break it?