there were riverboat pilots
who only knew a few miles
of the river.
I mean, conditions
changed so much,
you couldn't
know the whole trip.
Floods, sandbars,
fallen logs--
It was all a riverboat pilot
could do
was to know his little
piece of the puzzle.
So for the next few hours,
this is my ship.
We start our approach.
...are images from cameras
mounted inside the cargo bay
of the Messiah.
Now, these images are delayed
by approximately 20 seconds,
due to the distance
they must travel.
OK, you can see that the image
is breaking up a bit.
Uh, Houston is prepared
for this.
They've informed us that
due to the uncertain make-up
of the comet's coma,
they're unsure whether or not
transmission will be possible.
OK, now, now, it ap-appears
we're losing reception here.
OK, we've--we've
lost picture now.
But we will stay on the air.
We'll stay with you
through all of this.
Baker, Over lntercom:
Prop 96%.
Dap is in descent.
Tanner, Over lntercom:
Roger, descent.
Oh, my God.
Baker: Look at these.
They're the size of houses.
Yeah, I know.
I see.
Jesus Christ.
Baker: Prop, 88%.
Baker: Cabin press, 5.7.
Negative guidance errors.