Deep Impact

in the unlikely event that
the comets do strike the Earth.

So, in the soft limestone
of Missouri,

we've been preparing
a network of immense caves,

and they're almost finished.
And we can put
a million people in them.

And that million people can
survive there, underground,

for 2 years,
until the air clears
and the dust settles.

Now, the cave is more
than a dormitory.

It's our new Noah's Ark.
We're storing seeds
and seedlings,

plants, animals,
enough to start over.

On August 10th,
a computer

will randomly select
800,000 Americans

to join the 200,000 scientists,
doctors, engineers,

teachers, soldiers, and artists,
who have already been chosen.

Other countries
are preparing similar caves

along whatever lines
they feel are best

to preserve their way
of life.

This is ours.
Beginning tonight and continuing
until the crisis passes,

I am declaring a state
of martial law.

The armed forces
and the National Guard

are working
with local law enforcement.

A national curfew begins
at midnight tonight.

Now, wherever you are,
go home.

Stay offthe roads
after sunset.

Crimes against persons
or property

will be dealt with
swiftly and harshly.

News stations around the nation
are being faxed copies

of the lottery procedure
as we speak,

and they'll be broadcasting
the details to you

in a few moments.
I wish...
Wishing is wrong.
It's the wrong word
right now.

That's not what I mean.
What I mean is...
I believe in God.
I know a lot of you don't,
