Deep Impact

I've been looking
all over for you.

Why weren't you
at school?

My dad said
I didn't have to go.

He said there's no point.
I talked to
Civil Defence.

They said if
you and I got married

we'd be family,
and I could get you in.

What about my parents?
They're not your family.

I don't want to go
without my parents.

You don't have to. I'm
the famous Leo Biederman,

and I haven't used
my fame for anything,

but I got them to let
your family go, too.

You--This is your
only chance to survive.

Jenny: Across the country,
looters continue to set fire
to abandoned stores.

The fires have been left to burn
since many firefighters

have been called
to help prepare shelters.

Throughout Latin America's
major cities,

business districts have been
abandoned to looting gangs...

Airlifts have been ruled out
as too dangerous.

More street fighting
in Moscow

as food and fuel shortages

Priest: Believes all things,
hopes all things,

endures all things.
When I was a child,
I spoke like a child,

I thought like a child,
I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man,
I gave up childish ways.

For now we see
in a mirror dimly,
