Deep Impact


Radio: We have now
confirmed the launch

of all the Titan missiles
from their positions in
North Dakota and Wyoming.

The comets are now
approximately 14 hours

outside of
Earth's atmosphere,

and we are told it should
take these missiles

less than 20 minutes
to reach their target.

Jenny: OK, here's what
we're looking at.

All of the Titans
have been launched.

We still won't know if
they've made a difference.

The comets have
to travel for a while

before the radar tracking
stations can see

if they've been pushed
to a safe course

that'll bypass the Earth.
So, one more time
we have to wait.

Are we on?
Cameraman: We're on,
Mr President.

Our missiles have failed.
The comets are
still headed for Earth...

and there's nothing
we can do to stop them.

So, this is it.
If the world does go on...
